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DevOps Certifications and Promotions

Gineesh Gineesh Follow · 1 min read
DevOps Certifications and Promotions
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Note: These are collected list of FREE Certifications and Promotions on Certifications and Courses. I am not updating this page everyday, hence please pardon me if you find any wrong or expired information below. Feel free to share new or updated information via gini@techbeatly.com

Certification & Description Expense
Certified Rancher Operator: Level 1
Learn how to use Rancher with Kubernetes and other cloud-native technologies to accelerate how you build and deploy applications today.
Aviatrix Certified Engineer
Multi-Cloud Networking & Security Course and Certification (ACE)
FREE for Limited time
Certified Calico Operator: Level 1
Learn Kubernetes networking and security fundamentals using Calico.
JumpCloud Core Certification
The Core certification validates the strong foundational knowledge needed to execute standard implementation, configurations, and daily operations across the JumpCloud platform.
$150 (currently waiving fees)

Written by Gineesh Follow
Backpacker, Foodie, Techie

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