
Ansible Automation - Use Case Gallery

Gineesh Gineesh Follow · 5 mins read
Ansible Automation - Use Case Gallery
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Immutable Infrastructure

  • Configure your re-buildable replicas of server set or application stack.
  • Use Ansible for Infrastructure as Code (IaC)


Provision your bare-metal, private cloud and public cloud infrastructure using modules and configure them to use for day 2 operations.


  • Instance Provisioning
  • LoadBalancer / TargetGroup Creation
  • VPC Creation

Application Deployment

Manage your applications deployments, re-deployments, migration using simple ansible playbooks; and implement DevSecOps methods in your infrastructure operations.

Security Management

  • Incident Response
  • Backup of Fortigate Config into Tectia
  • Failover and Failback of Fortigate
  • Install Security Agents for Imperva, TrendMicro, McAfee, Splunk UF, Nessus, Carbon EDR
  • CyberArk Credential retrievals
  • Palo Alto Patching
  • Palo Alto Provision/Deprovision and Firmware upgrades
  • F5 Patching

Manage network configurations

  • Configure new network devices with same configurations as we need
  • Add new rules or changes in configurations (eg: new VLAN, new Virtual Interface)
  • Add/Remove rule in firewall

Package Deployment

OpenShift Container Platform - Automation

OpenShift Day 2 Operations

  • Cluster upgrade
  • Auto-scaling of worker nodes
  • AD group synchronization
  • Time synchronization
  • Housekeeping
  • Pruning objects (namespaces, builds, etc.)
  • Certificate update/rotation

Business Continuity

  • etcd backup
  • Global Load Balancer (GTM) failover
  • Cluster rebuild and recovery
  • Master/Worker nodes VM snapshot

Application Deployment/CD

  • Namespace creation
  • Network policy creation
  • Application deployment, resource provisioning and testing
  • Application upgrade


  • CIS OpenShift scanning and reporting
  • Leveraging compliance operator and generating HTML reports

Operating System Patching

Weekly system reboot

Eliminate repetitive, manual processes with automated weekly syste reboot.

Enforce security guidelines

Rules are rules. It’s best to automate in an effort to achieve strict security standards.

  • CIS Scanning and Hardening for RHEL, SUSE and Windows
  • CIS benchmark for Kubernetes
  • Rapid 7 Nexpose / Tenable Nessus Integration
  • Anti-virus, e.g. Trend Micro, Symantec

Disaster recovery

Disaster recovery can involve a wide range of components. Act across different variables of the technology stack to identify problems and eliminate cross team dependencies.

Adhoc Commands

Remarkably easy to write, you can run commands across your environment for any number of servers.

Database and Middleware

  • Installation and configuration of MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle DB, PostgreSQL, MariaDB
  • Installation and configuration of WebLogic, Apache, NGINX, Tomcat, WebSphere, JBoss EAP
  • DB health check for MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle DB
  • DB housekeeping and archival for MySQL, Oracle DB
  • DB ad-hoc backup/restore for MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle DB
  • DB patching for MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle DB
  • DB hardening and compliance for MySQL, MariaDB, MSSQL, PostgreSQL
  • Platform build/installation for Bamboo, Jira, Bitbucket, Confluence, minio, MQ etc
  • Start/Stop/Restart DB and middleware services
  • Patching for WebLogic, JBoss EAP, Tomcat

Ansible Oracles Modules

Database binary patching

Several databases use outdated binary sets. Patch the binaries in accordance with the release of the latest patch.

Service license agreements

  • Gather subscription information and generate reports.
  • Auto reminder emails on subscription and license renewal

Infrastructure Provisioning

  • Provisioning VMs on RHV, VMware and Hyper-V using templates
  • Provisioning on AWS
  • VM Snapshots on RHV and VMware


  • Firewall rules orchestration with AlgoSec, Tuffin
  • Load Balancer orchestration with OS updates
  • SD-WAN
  • Integration with Infoblox (IPAM)
  • Asset management with Solarwinds
  • FW rules management (Add, delete and modify
  • Cloud FW rules management (AWS and Azure)
  • Compliance check for Cisco ASR, CSR, 9K, ACI, SD-WAN, Allot, F5, AlgoSec, Palo Alto, Panorama
  • Hardening of Cisco ASR, CSR, 9K, ACI, SD-WAN, Allot, F5, AlgoSec, Palo Alto, Panorama
  • Patch management for F5, InfoBlox, vEdge
  • PKI Certificate management
  • Configuration backup for Cisco IOS/XE, Palo Alto, F5, ACI
  • Provisioning for vEdge, F5, ACI, Cisco IOS/XE, Palo Alto
  • Health Check for Cisco IOS/XE, NX-OS, Palo Alto, F5
  • Palo Alto user management, NSP, FW session, deprovisioning


  • Integration with CI/CD tools such as Azure DevOps
  • Application Deployment
  • Installation and lifecycle management of middleware
  • Installation of IIS, MS-SQL
  • Installation of .NET app on Windows
  • Application health check
  • Dynatrace webhook
  • Integration with Jira ServiceDesk

Config Management

Keep your configurations as a code and also can check if someone made changes to the same.

  • RHEL and Windows patching with Red Hat Satellite and WSUS
  • Red Hat Clustering Setup
  • Health Check
  • Onboarding of Windows vm to Windows AD
  • Integration with CyberArk vault
  • DR failover for Ansible Tower
  • Golden Image management
  • Configuration drift management, with baseline configurations

System and Server Automation

  • VM provision and deprovision for Windows 2016/2019, RHEL 8.x
  • Scale up/down CPU and Memory of VMs
  • Add/Delete Virtual Disks for VMs
  • Agent Installations for APM, McAfee, SCCM, Backup, Monitoring etc.
  • Join to Domains
  • Patch Management with WSUS/Satellite
  • Compliance Management for RHEL, Windows
  • Server Hardening
  • Health Check for Windows and Linux Servers
  • Server Stop/Start/Restart
  • VMs and Kubernetes provisioning on AWS/Azure
  • Provisioning with Autoscaling Group on AWS
  • Configure ALB
  • Create Lambda Functions to update AMI
  • VPC provision and deprovision with related network services
  • Windows/Linux Patch Management
  • Windows/Linux Hardening and Rollback Management
  • Windows/Linux Compliance Management
  • Golden Image Builds
  • CloudWatch configurations
  • Logs management/archival
  • Lifecycle management of AWS accounts, organizations, roles and access
  • Network security and WAF policy configurations
  • AWS Resource backup
  • Set budget limits and budget monitoring
  • SFTP configurations with RBAC
  • Cloud DB provisioning
  • Azure SQL managed instance provisioning
  • SNS configurations and alarm settings
  • VAPT scanning

Operational Task

  • System Health Check for Windows, Linux, MySQL, Oracle DB
  • Network Health Check for AlgoSec, Infoblox, ACI, Firepower, Router, F5, Palo Alto
  • Server, DB and Application Services Stop/Start/Restart
  • Common Incident Remediations
  • DB Operational Tasks
Written by Gineesh Follow
Backpacker, Foodie, Techie

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